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Reptic Republic is a small, home based business of passionate breeders with 100% captive breed reptiles

based in Ottawa, Canada, partnering with a few other local breeders in Quebec. 

Here you will find a wide selection of available equipment, reptiles and information necessary for the well-being of your reptiles.

Our team will provide you with a wide choice, advices, solutions and support !
Since the interests of animals are above everything else, we provide care sheets for all our animals,
so that all our clients can be confident in their choice.

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Bearded  Dragons

These friendly lizards can be welcomed into any home and as they are fantastic for beginners due to their docility and ability to adapt to captivity.

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These chameleons are one of the most popular pet reptiles due to its spectacular coloration. However, they are pretty picky animals and aren't suitable for beginners.

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Panther Chameleons

These chameleons are one of the most colorfoul ones out there. They are loved by many hobbyists for it's fast vibrant colour-changing abilities and unique patterns.

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Crested Geckos

Crested geckos are very low-maintenance reptiles and are well-suited for novice lizard owners who don't have a lot of time to devote to their daily care.

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Animals that are worth your investment




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